Galois and Hopf Galois

Online workshop

Galois and Hopf Galois

Here you can find all the information about the workshop in Galois module theory and Hopf–Galois theory.


  1. An introduction to Galois module structure. The case of tamely ramified extensions
    25 March 2021, Ilaria Del Corso, Università di Pisa
  2. More tamely ramified Galois module structure and an introduction to wildly ramified Galois module structure
    8 April 2021, Alessandro Cobbe, Universität der Bundeswehr München
  3. Results on Galois module structure of wildly ramified extensions and local freeness over the associated order
    15 April 2021, Fabio Ferri, University of Exeter
  4. Explicit Galois module structure of weakly ramified extensions of local fields
    22nd April 2021, Henri Johnston, University of Exeter
  5. Almost-maximal ramification, dihedral extensions, A4-, S4-, A5-extensions
    29 April 2021, Fabio Ferri, University of Exeter
  6. Galois module theory of absolutely abelian extensions of p-adic fields
    6 May 2021, Francesco Campagna, University of Copenhagen
  7. Cyclic extensions of degree p
    13 May 2021, Davide Lombardo, Università di Pisa
  8. On K-theory, realisable classes, and Hilbert–Speiser fields
    20 May 2021, Alessandro Cobbe, Universität der Bundeswehr München

  9. An introduction to Hopf algebras
    3 June 2021, Lorenzo Stefanello, Università di Pisa
  10. Hopf–Galois extensions
    10 June 2021, Lorenzo Stefanello, Università di Pisa
  11. Greither–Pareigis theorem and Byott's translation
    17 June 2021, Elena Campedel, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
  12. On the algebra structure of Hopf algebras occurring in Hopf–Galois theory
    25 June 2021, Cornelius Greither, Universität der Bundeswehr München
  13. Induced Hopf–Galois extensions
    1 July 2021, Anna Rio, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  14. Hopf–Galois module theory
    8 July 2021, Daniel Gil-Muñoz, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
  15. Hopf orders as associated orders
    15 July 2021, Nigel Byott, University of Exeter
  16. An assortment of associated orders in Hopf–Galois extensions
    22 July 2021, Paul Truman, University of Keele

