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Ci sono due file per ciascun libro. Il file xxx-Introd.pdf contiene l'introduzione del libro xxx; il file xxx-Summary.pdf contiene l'indice dello stesso libro. Ebbene sìi' un sacco di materiale xxx qui... Inoltre, ho aggiunto i file di una versione pre-definitiva del libro Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds, fuori stampa da quindici anni almeno. // There are two files for each book: the file xxx-Introd.pdf contains the introduction of book xxx, and the file xxx-Summary.pdf contains the summary of the same book. A lot of xxx material here... Furthermore, I have added the files of a pre-final version of my book Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds, out-of-print since at least fifteen years ago...
M. Abate: An introduction to hyperbolic dynamical systems. I.E.P.I. Pisa, 2001. Introduction. Pdf file, 80 KB.
M. Abate: An introduction to hyperbolic dynamical systems. I.E.P.I. Pisa, 2001. Summary. Pdf file, 80 KB.
M. Abate, G. Patrizio: Finsler Metrics - A Global Approach. LNM 1591, Springer, Berlin, 1994. Introduction. Pdf file, 92 KB.
M. Abate, G. Patrizio: Finsler Metrics - A Global Approach. LNM 1591, Springer, Berlin, 1994. Summary. Pdf file, 128 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Mediterranean Press, Cosenza, 1989. Introduction. Pdf file, 235 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Mediterranean Press, Cosenza, 1989. Summary. Pdf file, 80 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.1: Schwarz's lemma and Riemann surfaces. Pdf file, 516 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.2: Boundary Schwarz's lemmas. Pdf file, 404 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.3: Iteration theory. Pdf file, 392 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 1.4: One-parameter semigroups. Pdf file, 340 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.1: Taut manifolds. Pdf file, 412 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.2: The ball. Pdf file, 496 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.3: Invariant objects. Pdf file, 692 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.4: Again iteration theory. Pdf file, 400 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.5: Common fixed points. Pdf file, 352 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.6: Complex geodesics. Pdf file, 568 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. Chapter 2.7: Angular derivatives. Pdf file, 440 KB.
M. Abate: Iteration theory of holomorphic maps on taut manifolds. References. Pdf file, 264 KB.