Winter SchoolGeometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations VDobbiaco (Toblach), February 20-24, 2023 |
This is the fifth edition of the winter school held in Toblach in winter 2017, winter 2018, winter 2019 and winter 2020. There will be three 5 hours minicourses, some talks and ample time for discussion.
The school will be held in Dobbiaco (Toblach) at the Kulturzentrum Grand Hotel Centro Culturale, in "La Sala degli Specchi". Kulturzentrum Grand Hotel Centro Culturale is located in front of Toblach train station (see the map).
The first talk will start on Monday February 20, 2023.
Participants are required to register by contacting the organizers at the following email address:
Limited funding will be available to cover the local expenses (lodging and meals) of some PhD students. Participants who want to apply for financial support should send an email with their CV to The deadline is December 10, 2022.
The participants who are financially supported by the organization will be hosted by the Guesthouse of the Kulturzenturm. The other participants are encouraged to book in advance their room.
This workshop is supported by:
PRA_2022_10, "Spazi di moduli, rappresentazioni e strutture combinatorie", University of Pisa.
Prin 2017, Moduli and Lie Theory, University of Pisa.
Teoria delle rappresentazioni e applicazioni, Ateneo 2020, Sapienza Università di Roma.