This is the forth edition of the winter school held in Toblach in winter 2017, winter 2018 and winter 2019.
There will be three minicourses, some talks and ample time for discussion.
Here you can find the schedule of talks and mini-courses.
- Corrado De Concini, Sapienza Università di Roma, Hodge theory for matroids
- Antonella Grassi, Università di Bologna, Singularities in Algebraic Geometry and String Theory
[show abstract]
We will start with the rational double points surface singularities, their resolutions and deformations. We will then discuss how certain models in physics conjecturally imply a natural correspondence between certain singularities and ``gauge" groups, and in higher dimensions also their representations. At the center of this picture are varieties fibered by genus one curves. We will discuss various examples and applications.
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- Luca Migliorini, Università di Bologna, Higher discriminants, support theorems and applications to the Hitchin fibration
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After a quick review of the formalism of perverse sheaves and the decomposition theorem
I will discuss the problem of understanding the supports of a projective map in the sense of B.C.Ngo.
I will then explain the notion of higher discriminants of a map, due to V. Shende and myself and show its effectivity in understanding the supports of a map in three cases:
-The relative hilbert scheme of a versal family of planar curves;
-The relative compactified jacobian of a versal family of planar curves;
-The Hitchin firbation for GLn.
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[Click here for a list of registered participants]
- Jessica Alessandrì, University of Pisa
- Anna Barbieri, University of Sheffield
- Maria Bertozzi, University of Bochum
- Luca Bruni, University of Pisa
- Nicoletta Cantarini, University of Bologna
- Michele Carmassi, University of Pisa
- Fabrizio Caselli, University of Bologna
- Federico Conti, University of Pisa
- Martina Costacesari, University of Pisa
- Michele D’Adderio, Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Corrado De Concini, University of Roma Sapienza
- Ilaria Del Corso, University of Pisa
- Sabino Di Trani, University of Firenze
- Luis Ferroni, University of Bologna
- Sara Angela Filippini, Jagiellonian University Crakow
- Marco Franciosi, University of Pisa
- Paola Frediani, University of Pavia
- Giovanni Gaiffi, University of Pisa
- Vincenzo Galgano, University of Pisa
- Jacopo Gandini, University of Bologna
- Alessandro Ghigi, University of Pavia
- Antonella Grassi, University of Bologna
- Alessandro Iraci, University of Bruxelles
- Ksenija Kitanov, University of Jena
- Jacub Koncki, University of Warsaw
- Artem Lopatin, University of Munich
- Karen Martinez, University of Bochum
- Valerio Melani, University of Pisa
- Luca Migliorini, University of Bologna
- Luca Moci, University of Bologna
- Giovanni Mongardi, University of Bologna
- Federico Moretti, University of Pisa
- Roberto Pagaria, University of Bologna
- Paolo Papi, University of Roma Sapienza
- Oscar Papini, University of Pisa
- Rita Pardini, University of Pisa
- Simone Pesatori, University of Bologna
- Gianmarco Pezzoli, University of Bologna
- Piotr Pokora, University of Cracow
- David Rios Ortiz, University of Roma Sapienza
- Mario Salvetti, University of Pisa
- Federico Stara, University of Roma Sapienza
- Tomasz Szemberg, University of Cracow
- Justina Szpond, University of Cracow
- Mattia Talpo, University of Pisa
- Filippo Testa, University of Pisa
- Maria Tombar, University of Cracow
- Karoline Van Gemst, University of Sheffield
- Xian Wu, University of Cracow
- Angelina Zheng, University of Padova
- Maciej Zieba, University of Cracow
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The school will be held in Dobbiaco (Toblach) at the Kulturzentrum Grand Hotel Centro Culturale, in "La Sala degli Specchi".
Kulturzentrum Grand Hotel Centro Culturale is located in front of Toblach train station (see the map).
The first talk will start on Monday February 24 in the afternoon. The last talk will end on Friday February 28 at 12,30.
Registration and support
Participants are required to register by contacting the organizers at the following email address:
Application for financial support is not possible anymore.
This workshop is supported by:
Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica "Francesco Severi"
University of Pisa
PRA_2018_5, Spazi di moduli, rappresentazioni e strutture combinatorie, University of Pisa.
PRA_2018_22, Geometria e topologia delle varietà, University of Pisa.
Progetto di Ateneo
Teoria delle Rappresentazioni e Applicazioni,
University of Rome - Sapienza
Marco Franciosi ,
Giovanni Gaiffi , Paolo Papi , Rita Pardini and Mario Salvetti.