Course notes
Over time, I've written notes for various courses I've taken (or sometimes given). You find them below - use them at your peril! Any and all mistakes are mine and mine alone; please let me know when (rather than if) you find errors in these notes!
MINT 2024
The summer school MINT (Modern Introduction to Number Theory, 2024) took place in Pisa in September 2024. All the teaching material can be found here.
$p$-adic Galois representations
These are the notes for a course taught in Pisa by Tamás Szamuely in 2024.
Weil conjectures
These are the notes for a course taught in Pisa by Tamás Szamuely in 2019. Last update: 04/07/2020 (new version with several improvements, now also available on Open Math Notes).
Étale cohomology
These are the notes for a course that Andrea Maffei and I gave in Pisa in 2019.
Abelian varieties
I wrote some introductory notes on the arithmetic theory of abelian varieties. These were used for a summer school held in Luxembourg in July 2018 (see the "Program" section of the school's website for a video of the first lecture of the mini-course).
Lacunary polynomials
Notes for the course taught in Pisa by Franceso Amoroso in 2018.
Topics in Lie Theory
Notes for the course taught in Pisa by Alberto De Sole in 2018.
Nonabelian Chabauty
These are the notes that emerged from a study group concerning Minhyong Kim's ideas on a non-abelian analogue of Chabauty's method. (Last updated: October 17th, 2019)