Research Interests
I am interested in applied probability theory, more specifically in interacting particle systems for real world applications. I have worked on scaling limits for models of chemical reaction networks, focusing on the relations between their dynamics and their structure. More recently, I have worked on the dynamics of scaling limits of machine learning algorithms seen as interacting particle systems, and on dynamics of fluid models.
- Emergence of clustering in mean-field transformer models, with G. Bruno, and F. Pasqualotto, arXiv:2410.23228
- Scalable bayesian inference for the generalized linear mixed model, with S. Berchuk, F. Medeiros, and S. Mukherjee, arXiv:2403.03007
- Fair Artificial Currency Incentives in Repeated Weighted Congestion Games: Equity vs. Equality , with L. Pedroso, M. Heemels, and M. Salazar, arXiv:2403.03999
- Random Splitting of Point Vortex Flows, with F. Grotto and J. Mattingly, arXiv:2311.15680
- Global optimality of Elman-type recurrent neural networks in the mean-field regime, with J. Lu and S. Mukherjee, International Conference on Machine Learning (2023)
- Random Splitting of Fluid Models: Positive Lyapunov Exponents, with J. Mattingly and O. Melikechi, arXiv:2210.02958
- Random Splitting of Fluid Models: Ergodicity and Convergence, with J. Mattingly and O. Melikechi, Communications in Mathematical Physics (2023)
- A homotopic approach to policy gradients for linear quadratic regulators with nonlinear controls, with C. Chen, IEEE Proceedings of of Conference on Decision and Control (2022)
- Large deviations with Markov jump processes with uniformly diminishing rates, with L. Andreis, M. Renger, R. Patterson, Stochastic Processes and Their Applicatons (2022)
- Global optimality of softmax policy gradient with single hidden layer neural networks in the mean-field regime, with J. Lu, International Conference on Learning Representations (2021)
- Temporal Difference Learning with nonlinear function approximation in the lazy training regime, with J. Lu, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Mathematical and Scientific Machine Learning (2021)
- Seemingly stable chemical kinetics can be stable, marginally stable or unstable, with J. Mattingly, Comm. Math. Sci. 18 (6), 1605 - 1642 (2020)
- Large Deviations Theory for Markov Jump Models of Chemical Reaction Networks, with A. Dembo and J.-P. Eckmann, Ann. Appl. Prob. 28 (3), 1821-1855 (2018)
- On the Geometry of Chemical Network Theory: Lyapunov Function and Large Deviations Theory, with A. Dembo and J.-P. Eckmann, J. Stat. Phys. 172 (2), 321-352 (2018)
- The Colored Hofstadter Butterfly for the Honeycomb Lattice, with G. M. Graf and J.-P. Eckmann, J. Stat. Phys. 156 (3), 417-426 (2014)
Teaching at UNIPI
(Deep) Learning Theory (PhD course in mathematics, 2023/24)
Statistica I (Ingegneria Gestionale, a.a. 2023/24)
Statistica Matematica (Matematica, a.a. 2023/24)
Teaching at Duke University
- Statistical Learning Theory (STATS 303, Duke)
- Stochastic Calculus (MATH 545, Duke)
- Introducton to Probabilty and Statistics (STATS 210, Duke)
- Probability theory (MATH 230, Duke)