Barriers for a class of geometric evolutions problems,
G. Bellettini and M. Novaga,
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei,
serie IX, vol. VIII n. 2, 119-128, 1997
Minimal barriers for geometric evolutions,
G. Bellettini and M. Novaga,
J. Differential Eqs., vol. 139, n. 1, 76-103, 1997
Comparison results between minimal barriers and viscosity solutions
for geometric evolutions
G. Bellettini and M. Novaga,
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci. (4), vol. XXVI, 97-131, 1998
An example of three dimensional fattening for linked space curves
evolving by curvature,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and M. Paolini,
Comm. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 23, 1475-1492, 1998
A result on motion by mean curvature in arbitrary codimension,
G. Bellettini and M. Novaga,
J. Differential Geom. and its Appl., vol. 11, 205-220, 1999
Facet-breaking for three dimensional crystals
evolving by mean curvature,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and M. Paolini,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 1, 39-55, 1999
A computational approach to fractures in crystal growth,
M. Novaga and E. Paolini,
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. Rend. Lincei,
serie IX, vol. X, 47-56, 1999
Approximation to driven motion by crystalline curvature
in two dimensions,
G. Bellettini, R. Goglione and M. Novaga,
Adv. Math. Sci. and Appl., vol. 10, 467-493, 2000
Approximation and comparison for non-smooth anisotropic
motion by mean curvature in R^N,
G. Bellettini and M. Novaga,
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc., vol. 10 n. 1, 1-10, 2000
Soluzioni di tipo barriera,
M. Novaga,
Bollettino U.M.I., vol. 8, 131-142, 2001
On a crystalline variational problem, part I:
first variation and global L^\infty-regularity,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and M. Paolini,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 157, 165-191, 2001
On a crystalline variational problem, part II:
BV-regularity and structure of minimizers on facets,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and M. Paolini,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 157, 193-217, 2001
Characterization of facet-breaking for nonsmooth
mean curvature flow in the convex case,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and M. Paolini,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 3 n. 4, 415-446, 2001
A stochastic selection principle in case of fattening
for curvature flow,
N. Dirr, S. Luckhaus and M. Novaga,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 13 n. 4, 405-425, 2001
Some regularity results for minimal crystals,
L. Ambrosio, M. Novaga and E. Paolini,
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., vol. 8, 69-103, 2002
Regularity results for some 1-homogeneous
M. Novaga and E. Paolini,
Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl.,
vol. 3 n. 4, 555-566, 2002
The total variation flow in R^N,
G. Bellettini, V. Caselles and M. Novaga,
J. Differential Eqs.,
vol. 184 n. 2, 475-525, 2002
First variation of anisotropic energies
and crystalline mean curvature for partitions,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and G. Riey,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 5 n. 3, 331-356, 2003
Motion by curvature of planar networks,
C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga and V. Tortorelli,
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. III, 235-324, 2004
Linear vs. nonlinear selection
for the propagation speed of the solutions of scalar
reaction-diffusion equations invading an unstable equilibrium,
M. Lucia, C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 57 n. 5, 616-636, 2004
Explicit solutions of the eigenvalue problem - div (Du/|Du|) = u,
G. Bellettini, V. Caselles and M. Novaga,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 36 n. 4, 1095-1129, 2005
Regularity results for boundaries in R^2
with prescribed anisotropic curvature,
M. Novaga and E. Paolini,
Annali Mat. Pura e Appl., vol. 184 n. 2, 239-261, 2005
Stability of crystalline evolutions,
M. Novaga and E. Paolini,
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc., vol. 15 n. 6, 1-17, 2005
Crystalline mean curvature flow of convex sets,
G. Bellettini, V. Caselles, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 179 n. 1, 109-152, 2006
Global solutions to the gradient flow equation
of a nonconvex functional,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and E. Paolini,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 37 n. 5, 1657-1687, 2006
Convergence of an algorithm for anisotropic and crystalline
mean curvature flow,
A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 37 n. 6, 1978--1987, 2006
Γ-convergence of the Allen-Cahn
energy with an oscillating forcing term,
N. Dirr, M. Lucia and M. Novaga,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 8 n. 1, 47--78, 2006
Deterministic equivalent for the Allen-Cahn energy of a scaling
law in the Ising model,
G. Bellettini, M. S. Gelli, S. Luckhaus and M. Novaga,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 26 n. 4, 429-445, 2006
Crystalline curvature flow of planar networks,
G. Bellettini, M. Chermisi and M. Novaga,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 8 n. 4, 481-521, 2006
A conjecture of De Giorgi on the squared distance function,
G. Bellettini, M. Masala and M. Novaga,
J. Convex Analysis, vol. 14 n. 2, 351-358, 2007
Singular perturbations of mean curvature flow,
G. Bellettini, C. Mantegazza and M. Novaga,
J. Diff. Geom., vol. 75 n. 3, 403-431, 2007
Approximation of the anisotropic mean curvature flow,
A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc., vol. 17 n. 6, 833-844, 2007
Nonuniqueness for crystalline curvature flow,
M. Novaga and M. Paolini,
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc., vol. 17 n. 8, 1307-1315, 2007
The geometry of mesoscopic phase transition interfaces,
M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A, vol. 19 n. 4, 777-798, 2007
The level set method for systems of PDEs,
G. Bellettini, M. Chermisi and M. Novaga,
Comm. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 32 n. 7, 1043-1064, 2007
The discontinuity set of solutions of the TV denoising problem and some extensions,
V. Caselles, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, vol. 6 n. 3, 879-894, 2007
Uniqueness of the Cheeger set of a convex body,
V. Caselles, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 232 n. 1, 77-90, 2007
Existence of traveling wave solutions for Ginzburg-Landau-type problems in infinite cylinders,
M. Lucia, C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 188 n. 3, 475-508, 2008
The p-Laplace eigenvalue problem as p goes to 1
and Cheeger sets in a Finsler metric,
B. Kawohl and M. Novaga,
J. Convex Analysis, vol. 15 n. 3, 623-634, 2008
Convergence of discrete schemes for the Perona-Malik equation,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga, M. Paolini and C. Tornese,
J. Differential Eqs., vol. 245, 892-924, 2008
A characterization of convex calibrable sets in
R^N with respect to anisotropic norms,
V. Caselles, A. Chambolle, S. Moll and M. Novaga,
Annales IHP - Analyse Nonlineaire, vol. 25, 803-832, 2008
Implicit time discretization of the mean curvature flow with a discontinuous forcing term,
A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 10, 283-300, 2008
Gradient theory of phase transitions with a rapidly oscillating forcing
N. Dirr, M. Lucia and M. Novaga,
Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 60, 29-59, 2008
Front propagation in infinite cylinders I.
A variational approach,
C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Comm. Math. Sci., vol. 6 n. 4, 799-826, 2008
Front propagation in infinite cylinders II.
The sharp reaction zone limit,
C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 31, 521-547, 2008
Multibump solutions and asymptotic expansions for mesoscopic
Allen-Cahn type equations,
M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., vol. 15 n. 4, 914-933, 2009
The volume preserving crystalline mean curvature flow of convex
sets in R^N,
G. Bellettini, V. Caselles, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
J. Math. Pures Appl., vol. 92 n. 5, 499-527, 2009
Classification of the equilibria for the semi-discrete Perona-Malik equation,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga, M. Paolini and C. Tornese,
Calcolo, vol. 46 n. 4, 221-243, 2009
Γ-entropy cost for scalar conservation laws,
G. Bellettini, L. Bertini, M. Mariani and M. Novaga,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 195 n. 1, 261-309, 2010
Motion and pinning of discrete interfaces,
A. Braides, M.S. Gelli and M. Novaga,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 195 n. 2, 469-498, 2010
Time-like lorentzian minimal submanifolds as singular limits of nonlinear wave equations,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Physica D, vol. 239 n. 6, 335-339, 2010
Some remarks on uniqueness and regularity of Cheeger sets,
V. Caselles, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova, vol. 123, 191-201, 2010
Total Variation and Cheeger sets in Gauss space,
V. Caselles, M. Miranda and M. Novaga,
J. Funct. Anal., vol. 259 n. 6, 1491-1516, 2010
Closure and convexity properties of closed relativistic strings,
G. Bellettini, J. Hoppe, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, vol. 4 n. 3, 473-496, 2010
Bump solutions for the mesoscopic Allen-Cahn equation in periodic media,
M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 40 n. 1-2, 37-49, 2011
Homogenization of fronts in highly heterogeneous media,
G. Barles, A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 43 n. 1, 212-227, 2011
Convergence for long-times of a semidiscrete Perona-Malik equation in one dimension,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and M. Paolini,
Math. Mod. Meth. Appl. Sc., vol. 21 n. 2, 1-25, 2011
Closed curves of prescribed curvature and a pinning effect,
M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Netw. Heterog. Media, vol. 6 n. 1, 77-88, 2011
Regularity for solutions of the total variation denoising problem,
V. Caselles, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana, vol. 27 n. 1, 233-252, 2011
Curvature evolution of nonconvex lens-shaped domains,
G. Bellettini and M. Novaga,
J. Reine Angew. Math., vol. 656, 17-46, 2011
A semidiscrete scheme for a one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation,
C. Geldhauser and M. Novaga,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 13 n. 3, 327-339, 2011
Curve shortening flow in heterogeneous media,
A. Cesaroni, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 13 n. 4, 485-505, 2011
On the gradient flow of a one-homogeneous functional,
A. Briani, A. Chambolle, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Confluentes Mathematici, vol. 3 n. 4, 617-635, 2011
Infinite paths and cliques in random graphs,
A. Berarducci, P. Majer and M. Novaga,
Fund. Math., vol. 216, 163-191, 2012
Monotone paths in random hypergraphs,
P. Majer and M. Novaga,
Electron. J. Comb., vol. 19 n. 2, #P3, 17 pp., 2012
Perimeter of sublevel sets in infinite dimensional spaces,
V. Caselles, A. Lunardi, M. Miranda and M. Novaga,
Adv. Calc. Var., vol. 5 n. 1, 59-76, 2012
Global exponential convergence to variational
traveling waves in cylinders,
C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 44 n. 1, 293-315, 2012
Volume-constrained minimizers for the prescribed curvature
problem in periodic media,
M. Goldman and M. Novaga,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 44 n. 3-4, 297-318, 2012
Approximation and relaxation of perimeter in the Wiener space,
M. Goldman and M. Novaga,
Annales IHP - Analyse Nonlineaire, vol. 29, 525-544, 2012
Mean curvature flow with obstacles,
L. Almeida, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Annales IHP - Analyse Nonlineaire, vol. 29, 667-681, 2012
Convergence of the one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard Equation,
G. Bellettini, L. Bertini, M. Mariani and M. Novaga,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 44 n. 5, 3458-3480, 2012
Lorentzian varifolds and applications to closed relativistic strings,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Indiana Univ. Math. J., vol. 61 n. 6, 2251-2310, 2012
One-dimensional symmetry for semilinear equations with unbounded drift,
A. Cesaroni, M. Novaga and A. Pinamonti,
Comm. Pure Appl. Analysis, vol. 12 n. 5, 2203-2211, 2013
Convergence of a semidiscrete scheme for a forward-backward parabolic equation,
G. Bellettini, C. Geldhauser and M. Novaga,
Advances Differential Equations, vol. 18 n. 5/6, 495-522, 2013
Representation, relaxation and convexity for variational problems in Wiener spaces,
A. Chambolle, M. Goldman and M. Novaga,
J. Math. Pures Appl., vol. 99 n. 4, 419-435, 2013
Droplet condensation and isoperimetric towers,
M. Novaga, A. Sobolevski and E. Stepanov,
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 262 n. 2, 457-480, 2013
Long-time behavior of the mean curvature flow with periodic forcing,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Comm. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 38 n. 5, 780-801, 2013
Multiplicity of supercritical fronts for
reaction-diffusion equations in cylinders,
P. Gordon, C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 47 n. 3-4, 683-709, 2013
On the jump set of solutions of the Total Variation flow,
V. Caselles, K. Jalalzai and M. Novaga,
Rend. Sem. Mat. Padova, vol. 130, 155-168, 2013
A symmetry result for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator,
A. Cesaroni, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A, vol. 34 n. 6, 2451-2467, 2014
Curve shortening-straightening flow for non-closed planar curves with infinite length,
M. Novaga and S. Okabe,
J. Differential Eqs., vol. 256 n. 3, 1093-1132, 2014
Plane-like minimizers and differentiability of the stable norm,
A. Chambolle, M. Goldman and M. Novaga,
J. Geometric Anal., vol. 24 n. 3, 1447-1489, 2014
Symmetry results for nonlinear elliptic operators with unbounded drift,
A. Farina, M. Novaga and A. Pinamonti,
NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl., vol. 21 n. 6, 869-883, 2014
On the regularity of timelike extremal surfaces,
R.L. Jerrard, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Comm. Contemp. Math., vol. 17 n. 1, 1450048 (19 pages), 2015
Fine properties of the subdifferential for a class of one-homogeneous functionals,
A. Chambolle, M. Goldman and M. Novaga,
Adv. Calc. Var., vol. 8 n. 1, 31-42, 2015
Eventual regularity for the parabolic minimal surface equation,
G. Bellettini, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A, vol. 35 n. 12, 5711-5723, 2015
Gamma-type estimates for the one-dimensional Allen-Cahn's action,
G. Bellettini, A. Nayam and M. Novaga,
Asymptotic Analysis, vol. 94 n. 1-2, 161-185, 2015
Front propagation in geometric and phase field models of stratified media,
A. Cesaroni, C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 216 n. 1, 153-191, 2015
Existence and stability for a non-local isoperimetric model of charged liquid drops,
M. Goldman, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 217 n. 1, 1-36, 2015
Mean curvature flow with obstacles: existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions,
G. Mercier and M. Novaga,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 17 n. 3, 399-426, 2015
Nonlocal quantitative isoperimetric inequalities,
A. Di Castro, M. Novaga, B. Ruffini and E. Valdinoci,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 54 n. 3, 2421-2464, 2015
Regularity of the obstacle problem for the parabolic biharmonic equation,
M. Novaga and S. Okabe,
Math. Ann., vol. 363 n. 3-4, 1147-1186, 2015
Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the 1-Riesz capacity
and level set convexity for the 1/2-Laplacian,
M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
J. Convex Analysis, vol. 22 n. 4, 1125-1134, 2015
Motion by curvature of planar networks II,
A. Magni, C. Mantegazza and M. Novaga,
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. XV, 117-144, 2016
The two obstacle problem for the parabolic biharmonic equation,
M. Novaga and S. Okabe,
Nonlinear Anal., vol. 136, 215-233, 2016
A symmetry result for degenerate elliptic equations on the Wiener space with nonlinear boundary conditions and applications,
M. Novaga, D. Pallara and Y. Sire,
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S, vol. 9 n. 3, pp. 815-831, 2016
On well-posedness of variational models of charged drops,
C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Proc. R. Soc. A, vol. 472 n. 2187, 20150808, 2016
Low density phases in a uniformly charged liquid,
H. Knüpfer, C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Comm. Math. Phys., vol. 345 n. 1, 141-183, 2016
A note on non lower semicontinuous perimeter functionals on partitions,
A. Magni and M. Novaga,
Netw. Heterog. Media, vol. 11 n. 3, 501-508, 2016
Ground states of a two phase model with cross and self attractive interactions,
M. Cicalese, L. De Luca, M. Novaga and M. Ponsiglione,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 48 n. 5, 3412-3443, 2016
Motion by curvature of networks with two triple junctions,
C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga and A. Pluda,
Geometric Flows, vol. 2, 18-48, 2017
Minimizers of anisotropic perimeters with cylindrical norms,
G. Bellettini, S. Kholmatov and M. Novaga,
Comm. Pure Appl. Analysis, vol. 16 n. 4, 1427-1454, 2017
Volume constrained minimizers of the fractional perimeter with a potential energy,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S, vol. 4 n. 10, 715-727, 2017
Rigidity of critical points for a nonlocal Ohta-Kawasaki energy,
S. Dipierro, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Nonlinearity, vol. 30 n. 4, 1523-1535, 2017
Parabolic equations in time dependent domains,
J. Calvo, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
J. Evol. Eqs., vol. 17 n. 2, 781-804, 2017
Homogenization of a semilinear heat equation,
A. Cesaroni, N. Dirr and M. Novaga,
J. Éc. polytech. Math., vol. 4, 633-660, 2017
Spines of minimal length,
B. Martelli, M. Novaga, A. Pluda and S. Riolo
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. XVII, 1067-1090, 2017
Some results on anisotropic fractional mean curvature flows,
A. Chambolle, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 19 n. 3, 393-415, 2017
Weighted TV minimization and applications to vortex density models,
P. Athavale, R.L. Jerrard, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
J. Convex Analysis, vol. 24 n. 4, 1051-1084, 2017
On the existence of connecting orbits for critical values of the
G. Fusco, G. F. Gronchi and M. Novaga,
J. Differential Eqs., vol. 263 n. 12, 8848-8872, 2017
Convergence to equilibrium of gradient flows defined on planar curves,
M. Novaga and S. Okabe,
J. Reine Angew. Math., vol. 733, 87-120, 2017
Isoperimetric problems for a nonlocal perimeter of Minkowski type,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Geometric Flows, vol. 2, 86-93, 2017
The isoperimetric problem for nonlocal perimeters,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S, vol. 11 n. 3, 425-440, 2018
Existence, regularity and structure of confined elasticae,
F. Dayrens, S. Masnou and M. Novaga,
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., vol. 24 n. 1, 25-43, 2018
A fractional isoperimetric problem in the Wiener space,
M. Novaga, D. Pallara and Y. Sire,
J. Anal. Math., vol. 134 n. 2, 787-800, 2018
Minimizers for nonlocal perimeters of Minkowski type,
A. Cesaroni, S. Dipierro, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 57 n. 2, Art. 64, 40 pp., 2018
On minimizers of an isoperimetric problem with long-range interactions under a convexity constraint,
M. Goldman, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
Anal. PDE, vol. 11 n. 5, 1113-1142, 2018
On equilibrium shapes of charged flat drops,
C. Muratov, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math., vol. 71 n. 6, 1049-1073, 2018
On the existence of heteroclinic connections,
G. Fusco, G. F. Gronchi and M. Novaga,
São Paulo J. Math. Sci., vol. 12 n. 1, 68-81, 2018
Rigidity and sharp stability estimates for hypersurfaces with
constant and almost-constant nonlocal mean curvature,
G. Ciraolo, A. Figalli, F. Maggi and M. Novaga,
J. Reine Angew. Math., vol. 741, 275-294, 2018
Crystalline evolutions in chessboard-like microstructures,
A. Malusa and M. Novaga,
Netw. Heterog. Media, vol. 13 n. 3, 493-513, 2018
Generalized crystalline evolutions as limits of flows with smooth anisotropies,
A. Chambolle, M. Morini, M. Novaga and M. Ponsiglione,
Anal. PDE, vol. 12 n. 3, 789-813, 2019
On stationary fractional Mean Field Games,
A. Cesaroni, M. Cirant, S. Dipierro, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
J. Math. Pures Appl., vol. 122, 1-22, 2019
Existence of periodic orbits near heteroclinic connections,
G. Fusco, G. F. Gronchi and M. Novaga,
Minimax Theory Appl., vol. 4 n. 1, 113-149, 2019
On a Minkowski geometric flow in the plane: Evolution of curves with lack of scale invariance,
S. Dipierro, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
J. London Math. Soc., vol. 99 n. 1, 31-51, 2019
Existence and uniqueness for anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flows,
A. Chambolle, M. Morini, M. Novaga and M. Ponsiglione,
J. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 32 n. 3, 779-824, 2019
A variational scheme for hyperbolic obstacle problems,
M. Bonafini, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Nonlinear Anal., vol. 188, 389-404, 2019
Γ-convergence of the Heitmann-Radin sticky disc energy to the crystalline perimeter,
L. De Luca, M. Novaga and M. Ponsiglione,
J. Nonlinear Sci., vol. 29 n. 4, 1273-1299, 2019
Fattening and nonfattening phenomena for planar nonlocal curvature flows,
A. Cesaroni, S. Dipierro, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Math. Ann., vol. 375 n. 1-2, 687-736, 2019
Approximation of the relaxed perimeter functional under a connectedness constraint by phase-fields,
P.W. Dondl, M. Novaga, B. Wirth and S. Wojtowytsch,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 51 n. 5, 3902-3920, 2019
Minimizers of the p-oscillation functional,
A. Cesaroni, S. Dipierro, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. A, vol. 39 n. 12, 6785-6799, 2019
Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed curves,
G. Mercier, M. Novaga and P. Pozzi
Comm. Anal. Geom., vol. 7 n. 4, 937-964, 2019
Emergence of non-trivial minimizers for the three-dimensional Ohta-Kawasaki energy,
H. Knüpfer, C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
Pure and Appl. Anal., vol. 2 n. 1, 1-21, 2020
A second order gradient flow of p-elastic planar networks,
M. Novaga and P. Pozzi,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 52 n. 1, 682-708, 2020
Quantitative estimates for bending energies and applications to non-local variational problems,
M. Goldman, M. Novaga and M. Röger,
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A, vol. 150 n. 1, 131-169, 2020
Second-order asymptotics of the fractional perimeter as s → 1,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Mathematics in Engineering, vol. 2 n. 3, 512-526, 2020
Connected surfaces with boundary minimizing the Willmore energy,
M. Novaga and M. Pozzetta,
Mathematics in Engineering, vol. 2 n. 3, 527-556, 2020
Crystalline evolutions with rapidly oscillating forcing terms,
A. Braides, A. Malusa and M. Novaga,
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. XX n. 1, 143-175, 2020
Nonlocal minimal clusters in the plane,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Nonlinear Anal., vol. 199, Paper n. 111945, 2020
On the convergence rate of some nonlocal energies,
A. Chambolle, M. Novaga and V. Pagliari,
Nonlinear Anal., vol. 200, Paper n. 112016, 2020
Symmetric self-shrinkers for the fractional mean curvature flow,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
J. Geometric Anal., vol. 30 n. 4, 3698-3715, 2020
Minimal elastic networks,
A. Dall'Acqua, M. Novaga and A. Pluda,
Indiana Univ. Math. J., vol. 69 n. 6, 1909-1932, 2020
Minimisers of a general Riesz-type problem,
M. Novaga and A. Pratelli,
Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 209, Paper n. 112346, 2021
On the obstacle problem for fractional semilinear wave equations,
M. Bonafini, V.P.C. Le, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 210, Paper n. 112368, 2021
Nonlinear Spectral Decompositions by Gradient Flows of One-Homogeneous Functionals,
L. Bungert, M. Burger, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Anal. PDE, vol. 14 n. 3, 823-860, 2021
Anisotropic curvature flow of immersed networks,
H. Kröner, M. Novaga and P. Pozzi
Milan J. Math., vol. 89 n. 1, 147-186, 2021
Stability results for nonlocal geometric evolutions and limit cases for fractional mean curvature flows,
A. Cesaroni, L. De Luca, M. Novaga and M. Ponsiglione,
Comm. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 46 n. 7, 1344-1371, 2021
Heteroclinic connections and Dirichlet problems for a nonlocal functional of oscillation type,
A. Cesaroni, S. Dipierro, M. Novaga and E. Valdinoci,
Annali Mat. Pura e Appl., vol. 200 n. 5, 1999-2041, 2021
Connected Coulomb Columns: Analysis and Numerics,
P.W. Dondl, M. Novaga, S. Wojtowytsch and S. Wolff-Vorbeck,
Nonlinearity, vol. 34 n. 9, 6120-6139, 2021
On critical points of the relative fractional perimeter,
A. Malchiodi, M. Novaga and D. Pagliardini,
Annales IHP - Analyse Nonlineaire, vol. 38 n. 5, 1407-1428, 2021
Anisotropic mean curvature flow of Lipschitz graphs and convergence to self-similar solutions,
A. Cesaroni, H. Kröner and M. Novaga,
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., vol. 27, Paper n. 97, 17 pp., 2021
The 0-fractional perimeter between fractional perimeters and Riesz potentials,
L. De Luca, M. Novaga and M. Ponsiglione,
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. XXII n. 4, 1559-1596, 2021
Reifenberg flatness for quasi-minimizers of the perimeter under minimal assumptions,
M. Goldman, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 150 n. 3, 1153-1165, 2022
Conducting flat drops in a confining potential,
C. Muratov, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 243 n. 3, 1773-1810, 2022
K mean-convex and K-outward minimizing sets,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 24 n. 1, 35-61, 2022
Connected perimeter of planar sets,
F. Dayrens, S. Masnou, M. Novaga and M. Pozzetta,
Adv. Calc. Var., vol. 15 n. 2, 213-234, 2022
Graphical translators for anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flow,
A. Cesaroni, H. Kröner and M. Novaga,
J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol. 514 n. 2, Paper n. 126314, 2022
Anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flow of mean-convex sets,
A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
Ann. Sc. Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci., vol. XXIII n. 2, 623-643, 2022
Existence of minimizers for a generalized liquid drop model with fractional perimeter,
M. Novaga and F. Onoue,
Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 224, Paper n. 113078, 2022
Isoperimetric clusters in homogeneous spaces via concentration compactness,
M. Novaga, E. Paolini, E. Stepanov and V. Tortorelli
J. Geometric Anal., vol. 32 n. 11, Paper n. 263, 2022
Type-0 singularities in the network flow - Evolution of trees,
C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga and A. Pluda,
J. Reine Angew. Math., vol. 792, 189-221, 2022
Fractional mean curvature flow of Lipschitz graphs,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Manuscripta Math., vol. 170 n. 3-4, 427-451, 2023
Isoperimetric planar clusters with infinitely many regions,
M. Novaga, E. Paolini, E. Stepanov and V. Tortorelli
Networks and Heterogeneous Media, vol. 18 n. 3, 1226-1235, 2023
Transverse domain walls in thin ferromagnetic strips,
M. Morini, C. Muratov, M. Novaga and V. Slastikov,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 247 n. 3, Paper n. 59, 2023
Generation and motion of interfaces in a mass-conserving reaction-diffusion system,
P. Miller, D. Fortunato, M. Novaga, S. Shvartsman and C. Muratov,
SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., vol. 22 n. 3, 2408-2431, 2023
Local Hölder regularity of minimizers for nonlocal variational problems,
M. Novaga and F. Onoue,
Comm. Contemp. Math., vol. 25 n. 10, 2250058, 2023
On the shape of small liquid drops minimizing nonlocal energies,
K. Bessas, M. Novaga and F. Onoue,
ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., vol. 29, Paper n. 86, 26 pp., 2023
Periodic partitions with minimal perimeter,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 243, Paper n. 113522, 2024
Stability of the ball under volume preserving fractional mean curvature flow,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Adv. Calc. Var., vol. 17 n. 2, 503-520, 2024
Time-fractional Allen-Cahn equations versus powers of the mean curvature,
S. Dipierro, M. Novaga, and E. Valdinoci
Physica D, Paper n. 134172, 2024
Stability analysis for the anisotropic curve shortening flow of planar networks,
M. Grösswein, M. Novaga and P. Pozzi
Partial Differ. Equ. Appl., vol. 5, Paper n. 28, 2024
A variational model of charged drops in dielectrically matched binary fluids: the effect of charge discreteness,
C. Muratov, M. Novaga and P. Zaleski,
Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., vol. 248, Paper n. 76, 2024
L^1-gradient flow of convex functionals,
A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 56 n. 5, 5747-5781, 2024
Evolution of networks with multiple junctions,
C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga, A. Pluda and F. Schulze,
Astérisque, vol. 452, 254 pp., 2024
Lattice tilings with minimal perimeter and unequal volumes,
F. Nobili and M. Novaga,
Calc. Var. PDE, vol. 63, Paper n. 246, 2024
Singularities of the network flow with symmetric initial data,
M. Novaga and L. Sciaraffia,
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol. 27 n. 1, 13-25, 2025
Locally isoperimetric partitions,
M. Novaga, E. Paolini and V. Tortorelli
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 378 n. 4, 2517-2548, 2025
Book chapters, Proceedings and Lecture Notes
Some aspects of De Giorgi's barriers for geometric evolutions,
G. Bellettini and M. Novaga,
in "Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations.
Topics on geometrical evolution problems and degree theory",
Springer, 115-151, 2000
The total variation flow,
M. Novaga,
in "Free boundary problems",
Birkhäuser, Internat. Ser. Numer. Math.,
vol. 147, 225-236, 2004
Geometric strong segregation theory for compositionally
asymmetric diblock copolymer melts,
C. Garcia-Cervera, C. Muratov, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
in "Singularities in Nonlinear Evolution Phenomena and Applications",
Edizioni della Normale, CRM Series, vol. 9, 171-182, 2009
An introduction to Total Variation for Image Analysis,
A. Chambolle, V. Caselles, D. Cremers, M. Novaga and T. Pock,
in "Theoretical Foundations and Numerical Methods for Sparse Recovery",
De Gruyter, Radon Series Comp. Appl. Math.,
vol. 9, 263-340, 2010
Total variation in imaging,
V. Caselles, A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
in "Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging",
Springer, 1016-1057, 2011
Generalized minimal surfaces in Minkowski spaces,
M. Novaga,
in "Progress in Variational Problems - New Trends of Geometric Gradient Flow and Critical Point Theory",
RIMS Kokyuroku, vol. 1740, 1-10, 2011
Existence and qualitative properties of isoperimetric sets in periodic media,
A. Chambolle, M. Goldman and M. Novaga,
in "Geometric Partial Differential Equations",
Edizioni della Normale, CRM Series, vol. 15, 93-104, 2013
Limiting models in condensed matter physics and gradient flows of 1-homogeneous functionals,
M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
in "Geometric Partial Differential Equations",
Edizioni della Normale, CRM Series, vol. 15, 211-226, 2013
Asymptotic behavior of attractors for inhomogeneous Allen-Cahn equations,
A. Cesaroni, C. Muratov and M. Novaga,
in "Mathematical Analysis of Pattern Formation Arising in Nonlinear Phenomena",
RIMS Kokyuroku, vol. 1924, 97-114, 2014
Existence and uniqueness for planar anisotropic and crystalline
curvature flow,
A. Chambolle and M. Novaga,
in "Variational Methods for Evolving Objects",
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, vol. 67, 87-113, 2015
An introduction to BV functions in Wiener spaces,
M. Miranda, M. Novaga and D. Pallara,
in "Variational Methods for Evolving Objects",
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, vol. 67, 245-294, 2015
Asymptotic speed of propagation for a viscous semilinear parabolic equation,
A. Cesaroni, N. Dirr and M. Novaga,
ESAIM Proceedings and Surveys, vol. 54, 45-53, 2016
Lectures on curvature flow of networks,
C. Mantegazza, M. Novaga and A. Pluda,
in "Contemporary Research in Elliptic PDEs and Related Topics",
Springer INdAM Series, vol. 33, 369-417, 2019
Elastic networks, statics and dynamics,
M. Novaga and A. Pluda,
in "The role of Metrics in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations",
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, vol. 85, 325-336, 2021
Uniqueness for a second order gradient flow of elastic networks,
M. Novaga and P. Pozzi,
in "Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2019",
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol. 139, 785-792, 2021
Local and Nonlocal Liquid Drop Models,
M. Novaga and F. Onoue,
in "Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications",
CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 7, 221-234, 2024
Minimizing movements for hyperbolic obstacle-type problems and applications,
M. Bonafini, V.P.C. Le, M. Novaga and G. Orlandi,
in "Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Volume I (HYP 2022)",
SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, vol. 34, 157-167, 2024
Minimal periodic foams with equal cells,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
in "Anisotropic Isoperimetric Problems and Related Topics",
Springer INdAM Series, vol. 62, 15-24, 2024
Rigidity of the ball for an isoperimetric problem with strong capacitary repulsion,
M. Goldman, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
to appear on J. Eur. Math. Soc.
Lattice tilings minimizing nonlocal perimeters,
A. Cesaroni, I. Fragalà and M. Novaga,
to appear on Comm. Contemp. Math.
On the total surface area of potato packings,
M. Novaga, E. Paolini and E. Stepanov,
to appear on Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
Minimal periodic foams with fixed inradius,
A. Cesaroni and M. Novaga,
Preprint, 2024
A charged liquid drop model with Willmore energy,
M. Goldman, M. Novaga and B. Ruffini,
Preprint, 2024
Periodic double tilings of the plane,
F. Nobili, M. Novaga and E. Paolini,
Preprint, 2025
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