Pisa Leaning Tower






International Congress M.ARI.AN. 2004

Nonstandard Models of Arithmetic and Analysis

June 25-26, 2004, Pisa.

Scientific Committee:
Mauro Di Nasso (Univ. Pisa), Marco Forti (Univ. Pisa),
Karel Hrbacek (CUNY, New York), Roman Kossak (CUNY, New York)

Organizer: Mauro Di Nasso (Univ. Pisa, Italia)

General information

The study of Peano Arithmetic and its sub-theories, involves several different topics in mathematical logic, namely model-theory, definability, complexity.
Nonstandard analysis is one of the most relevant applications of model theory. It provides a sound mathematical basis for the use of infinitesimal and infinite numbers in analysis. The study of the so-called "nonstandard methods", on the one side originated interesting foundational issues, on the other side provided a useful tool in applications.
The common ground of "nonstandard models" justifies a congress aimed to bring together researchers working on Peano Arithmetic and on nonstandard analysis.
The topics and contributions will range from foundational questions to recent results and applications.

In addition to invited lectures there will be two sessions for contributed papers (see the program).

There is no registration fee for this congress. To register, just send an email confirming your participation to marian2004@dm.unipi.it with your name and affiliation. Only people who registered will be given a badge, a booknote, a booklet of abstracts, and a poster of the conference.

poster Here is a pdf file of the conference poster.

For info write to:

Invited Speakers

Zofia Adamowicz
Polish Academy of Sciences

Vieri Benci
Universita' di Pisa, Italia

Alessandro Berarducci
Universita' di Pisa, Italia

Paola D'Aquino
Universita' di Napoli II, Italia

Ali Enayat
American University, Washington, USA

Karel Hrbacek
The City College - CUNY, New York, USA

Vladimir Kanovei
MCCME, Moscow, Russia

Roman Kossak
BCC and Graduate Center - CUNY, New York, USA

Jean-Pierre Ressayre
Universite Paris VII, France

David Ross
University of Hawaii, USA

James Schmerl
University of Connecticut, USA

Carlo Toffalori
University of Camerino, Italy


Financial support for this meeting is provided in part by the PRIN-MIUR grant "Metodi Logici nello studio di strutture geometriche, topologiche e insiemistiche", and in part by a grant from GNSAGA-INDAM. 

A related "nonstandard" congress

A related congress is the International Conference on "Non Standard Mathematics", Aveiro (Portugal), July 5-10, 2004.

Last modified: June 14, 2004