Quaderni del Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata: anno 2001
2001/1 L. C. BERSELLI: "A note on the regularity of the weak solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole space Rn".
2001/2 L. C. BERSELLI: "Intorno ad alcune questioni di meccanica dei fluidi".
2001/3 V. BENCI, T. D'APRILE: "The semiclassical limit of the nonlinear schrödinger equation in a radial potential".
2001/4 M. FRANCIOSI: "Adjoint divisors on algebraic curves, II".
2001/5 F. FLANDOLI, I. MINELLI: "Probabilistic models of vortex filaments".
2001/6 F. FLANDOLI: "Stochastic problems in fluid dynamics".
2001/7 V. BENCI, M. DI NASSO: "A ring homomorphism is enough to get nonstandard analysis".
2001/8 V. BENCI, M. DI NASSO: "Numerosities of labelled sets: a new way of counting".
2001/9 L. C. BERSELLI: "On a regularity criterion for the solution to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations".
2001/10 L. C. BERSELLI, G. P. GALDI: "Regularity criterions involving the pressure for the weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations".
2001/11 L. C. BERSELLI, P. GUASONI: "Some problems of shape optimization arising in stationary fluid motion".
2001/12 V. BENCI, M. DI NASSO: "Alpha-theory: an elementary axiomatics for nonstandard analysis".
2001/13 M. PAPPALARDO, M. PASSACANTANDO: "Stability for equilibrium problems: from variational inequalities to dynamical sistems".
2001/14 H. BESSAIH, F. FLANDOLI: "A mean field result with application to 3D vortex filaments".
2001/15 M. DI NASSO, K. HRBACEK: "Combinatorial principles in nonstandard analysis".
2001/16 E. DE PASCALE, L. DE PASCALE: "Fixed points for some non obviously conctractive operators".
2001/17 L. DE PASCALE: "On the basic problem of the calculus of variations in L
¥ ".2001/18 M. PAPPALARDO, M. PASSACANTANDO: "Equilibrium concepts in transportation networks: generalized Wardrop conditions and variational formulations".
2001/19 M. DI NASSO, M. FORTI: "On the ordering of the nonstandard real line".
2001/20 M. FORTI: "Strongly comprehensive theories of collections and sets".
2001/21 M. DI NASSO, Y. ZHANG: "Nonstandard analysis and an application to the symmetric group on natural numbers".
2001/22 E. CAVAZZUTI, M. PAPPALARDO, M. PASSACANTANDO: "Nash equilibria, variational inequalities and dynamical systems".
2001/23 M. PASSACANTANDO: "On the role of complementarity systems in structural mechanics".
2001/24 M. PASSACANTANDO: "Vector optimization problems in the design of engineering problems".
2001/25 M. PASSACANTANDO: "Necessary optimality conditions for vector optimization problems".
2001/26 M. PASSACANTANDO: "Vector optimization problems and separation of sets: an image space approach".
2001/27 A. M. MICHELETTI, C. SACCON: "Multiple solutions for an asymptotically linear problem with nonlinearity crossing a finite number of eigenvalues and application to a beam equation".
2001/28 G. MASTROENI: "Gap functions and descent methods for minty variational inequality".
2001/29 L. C. BERSELLI, H. BESSAIH: "Some results about the line vortex equation".
2001/30 A. M. MICHELETTI, A. PISTOIA: "Existence of Blowing-up solutions for a slightly subcritical or a slightly supercritical non-linear elliptic equation on Rn".
2001/31 H. BEIRÃO DA VEIGA: "On the existence of strong solutions to a coupled fluid-structure evolution problem".
2001/32 L. C. BERSELLI, C. R. GRISANTI: "On the consistency of the rational large eddy simulation model".
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