### Ancillary SageMath code for the paper "Geometric transition from hyperbolic to Anti-de Sitter structures in dimension four" by S. Riolo and A. Seppi, to appear in Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. # We will work in the affine chart A^4 with its affine coordinates y1,...,y4: var('y1, y2, y3, y4, t') Variables = [y1, y2, y3, y4] x = vector([1, y1, y2, y3, y4]) # The polytope \bar{Q_t} is defined in Lemma 6.6. The bounding hyperplanes of r_{|t|}(\bar{Q_t}) are obtained from Table 3 and Equation (11). Here they are: Vectors = [ vector([ -sqrt(2), +1, +1, +1, +1 ]), vector([ -sqrt(2), +1, +1, -1, -1 ]), vector([ -sqrt(2), +1, +1, +1, +t*t ]), vector([ -sqrt(2), +1, +1, -1, -t*t ]), vector([ -1, +sqrt(2), 0, 0, 0 ]), vector([0,-1,1,0,0]), vector([0,0,-1,1,0]), vector([0,0,-1,-1,0]) ] # The following is the main part of the computation, i.e. parts (1)--(4) in the proof of Lemma 6.8. We use Rouché--Capelli. FlagSanity is needed to check that we are avoiding a Sage bug. import itertools Solutions = [] ell = len(Vectors) SanityFlag = 0 for l in range(0,ell-3): Solutions_l = [] for combination in itertools.combinations(range(ell),ell-l): Equations = [x*Vectors[i] for i in combination] Rows = [Vectors[i] for i in combination] MatCompl = Matrix(Rows) rankC = MatCompl.rank() MatInc = MatCompl.delete_columns([0]) rankI = MatInc.rank() if rankC == rankI and rankC == 4: point = x.substitute(solve(Equations,Variables)[0]) flag = 0 with assuming(t<0, t>-1): for v in Vectors: prod = point*v if prod == 0: prod = 0 else: prod = prod.factor() if{bool(prod > 0), bool(prod <= 0)}!={True, False}: SanityFlag = 1 if prod > 0: flag = 1 if flag == 0: Solutions_l.append( [list(combination), point] ) if Solutions_l != []: Solutions.append(Solutions_l) if SanityFlag != 0: print('There are problems') else: for list in Solutions: l = len(list[0][0]) print(str(len(list)) + ' points of ' + str(l) + '-ple intersection') # We eliminate the reundant solutions: ideal_vertex = Solutions[0][0] Vertices = [ideal_vertex] for Sol_l in Solutions: for Sol in Sol_l: if Sol[1] != ideal_vertex[1]: Vertices.append(Sol) print('The polytope has ' + str(len(Vertices)) + ' vertices') # We check that all found vertices are pairwise distinct: Vertices2 = [] for Sol_l in Solutions: for Sol in Sol_l: Vertices2.append(Sol) ActualVertices = [] for i in range(len(Vertices2)): flag = 0 for j in range(i): if Vertices2[j][1] == Vertices2[i][1]: flag = 1 if flag == 0: ActualVertices.append(Vertices2[i]) Vertices2 = ActualVertices if Vertices2 == Vertices: print('Check ok') else: print('There are repetitions') # We rescale back to AdS^4 and check that all the 12 finite vertices are in AdS^4: Scale = diagonal_matrix([1,1,1,1,t]) Form = diagonal_matrix([-1,1,1,1,-1]) flag_sanity = 0 flag = 0 ideal_vertices_counter = 0 for v in Vertices: prod = Scale*v[1]*Form*Scale*v[1] if prod == 0: prod = 0 ideal_vertices_counter += 1 else: prod = prod.factor() with assuming(t<0, t>-1): if{bool(prod > 0), bool(prod <= 0)}!={True, False}: flag_sanity = 1 if prod > 0: flag = 1 if flag_sanity == 0 and flag == 0 and ideal_vertices_counter == 1: print('Check ok') else: print('There are problems') # To conclude, we print the vertices with their names: def Name(v): if v == Vectors[0]: return('0+') if v == Vectors[1]: return('3+') if v == Vectors[2]: return('0-') if v == Vectors[3]: return('3-') if v == Vectors[4]: return('A') if v == Vectors[5]: return('L') if v == Vectors[6]: return('M') if v == Vectors[7]: return('N') def SolName(sol): name = ' ' for i in sol[0]: name += Name(Vectors[i]) + ' ' return(name) def PrintSol(sol_list): for p in sol_list: print(SolName(p) + ': ' + str(p[1])) PrintSol(Vertices)