Details of the proofs omitted from [57]

Enumeration of hyperbolic candidate orbifold covers S(u,v,w,z) -> S(p,q,r):
Degree up to 7
Degree 8
Degree 9
Degree 11
Degree 12
Degree greater than 12, p = 2, q = 4, r = 5
Degree greater than 12, p = 2, q = 3, r between 7 and 12

Enumeration of hyperbolic candidate orbifold covers T(a) -> S(p,q,r):
Degree up to 17
Degree greater than 17

Realizability and exceptionality proofs:
Atlas showing where each proof is
Realizability via DE: degree up to 8
Realizability via DE: degree from 9 to 14
Realizability via DE: degree from 15 to 20
Realizability via DE: degree greater than 20
Exceptionality via GG for three toric candidates

Page last updated on January 12, 2011