Curriculum Vitae, short version

Personal information

  • Name: Stefano Galatolo

  • Born in Livorno (It) 13/04/1969

Education habilitation

  • 1997: Italian graduation (Laurea) "cum laude" in Mathematics with a thesis titled "Complessita' dei Nodi" (Complexity of Knots), advisors: R. Benedetti, F. Lazzeri, University of Pisa.

  • 2002: PhD in Mathematics with a thesis titled "Information, Complexity and weak Chaos in Dynamical Systems. Theory and measurement methods", advisor: V. Benci, University of Pisa.

  • 2013: National habilitation for the position of associate professor in Mathematical analysis.

  • 2014:National habilitation for the position of full professor in Mathematical analysis.

    Current position

  • Since may 2015: Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa.


   Previous positions

  • 2002: Research collaborator, projects "Cluster15 - Piano Tecniche per Immagini" and "Metodi variazionali e topologici per lo studio dei fenomeni non lineari" (granted by Italian ministry of research).

  • 2002-2004: Assegno di ricerca (postdoc) at Univ. Pisa.

  • 2004-2015: Ricercatore Universtitario (Assistant Professor) at Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa.


Fellowships and visiting positions
  • 1992: Erasmus fellowship, "Universite Pierre et Marie Curie" Paris.

  • April 2008: Professeur invitè at Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, dept. of computer science.

  • April 2009: Professeur invitè at Université Bretagne Occidentale, Laboratoire de Mathematique.

  • July 2010: Professeur invitè at Université Bretagne Occidentale, Laboratoire de Mathematique.

  • August 2010: Visiting researcher. IMPA, Rio de Janeiro.

  • July 2012: Professeur invitè at Université Bretagne Occidentale, Laboratoire de Mathematique.

  • October 2013: Visiting Researcher. Newton Institute, Cambridge.

  • April 2016: Visiting Researcher. ICERM, Brown University

Recent funded projects

  • 2011: research project Approssimazione rigorosa delle misure invarianti funded by GNAMPA/INdAM, italian national institute for advanced mathematics. Principal investigator.

  • 2011 ISCRA (italian high performance computing resources) research project "Rigorous Approximation of Invariant Measures in Dynamical Systems". Principal investigator.

  • 2013 Lond. Math. Soc. Grant Award 41216. Investigator.

  • 2013-2017: IRSES (Marie Curie Actions) project BREUDS: participant and scientific coordinator for Pisa unit.

  • 2014-2017 “Statistical properties of non uniformly hyperbolic dynamical systems: computer assisted proofs and rigorous computation.” Leverhulm Trust grant IN-2014-021, investigator.

Institutional responsabilities.

  • Since 2013: Scientific committee of Matematita (Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca per la Comunicazione e l'Apprendimento Informale della Matematica)

  • Since 2013: IRSES (Marie Curie Actions) project BREUDS: scientific coordinator for Pisa unit.

  • Since 2012 Associate Editor for Chaos Solitons and Fractals (Elsevier)

  • Since 2014 Section Editor for Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications (Birkhäuser Basel)

  • Since 2016 director of Centro Interdipartimentale per lo Studio dei Sistemi Complessi (Univ. Pisa)

* Selected Papers

* S. Galatolo, Complexity, initial condition sensitivity, dimension and weak chaos in dynamical systems, Nonlinearity (2003)

* Claudio Bonanno, Stefano Galatolo, Stefano Isola, Recurrence and algorithmic informationNonlinearity (2003)

* Galatolo S, Dimension via waiting time and recurrenceMath. Res. Lett. (2005)

* S. Galatolo,  Hitting Time and Dimension in Axiom A Systems, Generic Interval Exchanges and an Application to Birkoff SumsJ. Stat. Phys. (2006)

* Galatolo S, Dimension and hitting time in rapidly mixing systems Math. Res. Lett.  (2007)

* Stefano Galatolo, M. Hoyrup, C. Rojas, Effective symbolic dynamics, random points, statistical behavior, complexity and entropyInf. Comput. (2010)

* Galatolo, S Hitting time in regular sets and logarithm law for rapidly mixing dynamical systems. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. (2010).

* Calcagnile, L. M.; Galatolo, S; Menconi, G Non-sequential recursive pair substitutions and numerical entropy estimates in symbolic dynamical systems. J. Nonlinear Sci.  (2010)

* Galatolo, S.; Pacifico, M J  Lorenz-like flows: exponential decay of correlations for the Poincaré map, logarithm law, quantitative recurrence. Ergod. Th. Dyn. Sys.  (2010)

* Galatolo S, Hoyrup M, Rojas C Dynamics and abstract computability:computing invariant measures Discrete Contin. Dyn. Sys , (2011)

* S. Galatolo, I. Nisoli Shrinking targets in fast mixing flows and the geodesic flow on negatively curved manifolds  Nonlinearity  (2011).

* S. Galatolo, I Nisoli An elementary approach to rigorous approximation of invariant measures SIAM J. Appl Dyn Sys.13 958-985 (2014)

* V. Araujo, S. Galatolo, MJ Pacifico Decay of correlations for maps with uniformly contracting fibers and logarithm law for singular hyperbolic attractors Math. Zeitcrift. 276, 1001-1048 (2104)

* S. Galatolo, J Rousseau , B Saussol Skew products, quantitative recurrence, shrinking targets and decay of correlations Erg. Th. Dyn. Sys (in print). doi: 10.1017/etds.2014.10.(2014)

* S. Galatolo, I Nisoli Rigorous computation of invariant measures and fractal dimension for piecewise hyperbolic maps: 2D Lorenz like maps arXiv:1402.5918, to appear on Erg. Th. Dyn. Sys.